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Forewarning: We suggest you read the entire page

before adhering your decal. If you think you don't need to

and just slap it on, just let us tell you the number one rule:





 Full Instructions:


 Step 1: Clean and dry the desired area using rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Do not use Windex or similar products because it will leave a residue behind that will prevent the decal from adhering well. Decals will stick best to clean, smooth surfaces.


 *This step is crucial for application on things like a mirror because if left, dust will be noticeable on the other side.


 Step 2: Rub the decal with the card provided or a credit card to be sure the transfer tape is properly adhered to the graphic. This removes any air bubbles that may have formed and makes the decal cling to the tape.


 Step 3: Remove the transfer tape slowly, making sure the graphic stays adhered to the tape. If the decal clings to the tape, slowly replace the decal on the tape and repeat Step 2.




















 Step 4a: For a "bubble proof" and "fail proof" application, use the "WET" method. This is the ONLY application we personally use, for which we highly recommend everyone every use as well. It really is a fool proof method. Mix 1 cup of cold tap water with one drop of dish washing liquid (Dawn, Ivory, etc.). We suggest pouring this mixture into a clean spray bottle, though a lint-free rag or sponge can be used instead. Apply the water mixture liberally to the surface to which the decal is being applied. There's no set amout of water to apply - the main idea here is to have enough water to move the decal around to ensure proper placement. This wet method permits you to work from the center to the outside, smoothing out the decal and eliminating wrinkles or air bubbles. You can use the card given to you with your order to do this, or any other smooth credit card works as well. Once the decal is in place, let it dry for about 15 minutes (or longer, depending on how much you saturated the surface) then continue to Step 5.


- - OR - -


 Step 4b: For the "DRY" method application, use the card provided or a credit card to SLOWLY make sure the entire decal is fully adhered to the surface. Work from the middle and smooth the design out to the outside with the card provided with your order (or credit card works as well), slowly, making sure to smooth out any bubbles before moving on. Don't attach it all willy-nilly, because this will cause bubbles and/or wrinkles. Make sure you position your decal where you want it before adhering, because once it's down, it's down. With the wet method, you have quite a bit of time and wiggle room if need be. If you need to pull off the decal and start over, the wet method allows you to do that if you have enough liquid. For best results, wait 24 hours before moving to the next step.


 Step 5: Slowly remove the transfer tape at an 180 degree angle, making sure no part of the graphic remains on the transfer tape. If the decal pulls away from the surface, reposition the decal in place and use the card to rub the decal in. Repeat if necessary. If you are using the wet method, again, you may have saturated the surface too much and need to allow for more drying time. 


 Step 6: Once the transfer tape is removed, check for air bubbles or wrinkles. In most cases, air bubbles can be worked to the edge of the decal with the card you've been using, but if not, a pin hole will allow the air out and become virtually invisible once the bubble is gone. You can also try to use a hair dryer to heat the surface, and then try to work out the bubbles as before. 



 Other Information:
  • Go slow. If you think you're going slow, you're not going slow enough.

  • Seriously MAKE SURE that you clean your surface properly. This extends the life of your decal.

  • Do not apply in extreme hot or cold temperatures

  • If applying to a car, do not wash your car for at least three days after applying the decal.

  • If you need a replacement decal, possibly because you didn't read the instructions ;), you can purchase another one for either half the price you originally paid or at cost of the materials, whichever is greater. 

  • Go slow.


Let us know if you have any questions! 


Wall and Car Decals
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